Photography. Exhibitions

I got my first camera when I was 13. It was a Kodak Retina Cameras were mechanical and you had to put the film in and roll it back. It served me till I was well into my twenties and only then I shifted to a Canon. Then at the age of 32 I bought a used Nikon FE2 that was the camera you felt a photographer with. It was delicate and once during the civil war and hunger in Somalia it got stuck after the 8th frame  every roll and every time I posed, rolled back the film, lifted the shutter with my naik, put the film back in, shot 8 times into a covered lens and started altogether again to the applause of the other photojournalist and the dying children.

What is Photography? Is it light? Subject? Eye?

The thought. The intention. The same as in all field of art.

I took many pictures for the last many years:

People, Beaty’ light, Interesting compositions, Culture and mainly pain.

שלחו הודעה  |  טלפון: 054-4975548

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שלחו הודעה

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