The house is a little stone hut that was build to guard the vinyard. it is warm, lighted and it’s back wall i the mountain clif. there is a wood stove for cold nights and a small pool to deep in the warm days.
Please note when you reserve that the reservation is not online and you need to wait for a retutn mail to see availability
The house is rented for a minimum of 2 nights
Nets as the house dog is the only dog in the vnyard.
On the other hand – as it is in the middle of the desert it is not rare to meet a Gerbil, Pdsamon or other desert mices poping in to see what is new.
If you think its to much for you- then the house in not recomended for you and you should avoid it.
Paymnet: the rate is for 1 night. Upon confirmation uou should pay 50% by paybox or bank transfer. The rest 3 days befor arrivel.
Canceling: till 72 hours before you get the advance back. less then 72 hours – you loose it.