Tsur Shezaf

Place of Birth : Jerusalem 1959

2011 The Arab spring; South Sudan, Tahrir, Libya, Group Photo Exhibition: Excutions, Photo Exhibition: Revolutions!

2009 Photo Exhibition The Face of Jaffa (Jaffa) 40 portraits of the people of Jaffa  covering a Museum outer walls in the flee market of Jaffa

2008 Prime minister creation prize for Literature for Hebrew writers, Holiday in Iraq , Documentary, 60 min, (First screening on 7th Cinema South International film Festival)

2007 Photo travel catalogue “To the Source of the Ganaga & on the great Indian trains” for “Kata” & “Manfrotto” National Geogrphic line.

2006 Photo Exhibition Tsur Shezaf hangs his washing on Nachlat Binyamin lines
Photo Exhibition Travel Stories group exhibition of Masa Acher photgraphers
Video still photographs & text for a catalogue for the exhibition “Forbidden fields – Popoies from ancient”  Eretz Yisrael Museum Tel Aviv

2005 Photo Exhibition sound sleep with Jan Rouchverger

2004 Photo Exhibitions – Unstable Earth

2003 War in Iraq, Lebanon

2001-2002 A year in India Writing A Travel

2000-2001 Film making for National Geographic

1990 – 1999 Senior Writer  ‘Masa Acher’ – the Israeli Geographical Magazine

1993 – 1997 Editor of the Travel Library, Keter Publishing House

1989 -1991 Research Fellow, The Institute of the History & Philosophy of Sciences, Tel Aviv University

1984- 1987 BOA Archaeology, Physical Geography, History of Israel, Marine Biology, Tel Aviv University

1988-2011 Active writer , journalist, phographer for, Hai’r (Tel Aviv city Paper)- mainly publicism, Haaretz, Masa Acher travel magazine, Y-net – the Internet Magazine of Yedioth Aharonot.

* The wife of the lost pilot, 2011, Xargol Publishing House
* The Happy Man, 2007, Xargol Publishing House
* Storm Is a Calm Place For Us, 2000 , Hakibuz Hameuchad -Siman Kri’a Publishing House
* Love on the Divide, 1998, Xargol Publishing House
* The Red Buddha, 1995, Hakibuz Hameuchad -Siman Kri’a Publishing House
* The Dancer, 1992, Am Oved Publishing House
* Panther Trap, 1988, Hakibuz Hameuchad -Siman Kria Publishing House

Travel Books

* End of the road- Death of a country, critical travel in Israel, 2007, Am Oved
* Shanti Shanti Balagan, Israeli Family in India 2004, Xargol publishing house
* The Panamericana A journey in Central America 2001, Keter Publishing House
* Witchcraft in Huncabmba, 1997, Keter Publishing House
* The Road to Happiness – A Journey in Deserts, 1994, Keter Publishing House
* The Silk Road, 1992, Crossing Asia from Istanbul to Beijing, Yediot Aharonot Publishing House
* The Sea Book – A Journey Along the Israeli Shoreline, 1991, YediotAharonot Publishing House


* Sinai & Egypt, 1994, Keter Publishing House
* Jordan, 1995, Keter Publishing House


* Holiday in Iraq , Israel, 2008, Documentary, 60 min, Hebrew Arabic and English, Hebrew subtitles.
On the day the Americans conquered Baghdad, Tsur Shezaf went to Iraq– “because the time after war is the most interesting time.” The film travels for a month in a broken country, Sadam is not gone yet, the Americans are sure they won the war. But as the films shows – the singes were on the wall and it turned out as the month before the real war began. A rare first person hair-raising documentation that reveals to an unknown Iraq . (First screening on 7th Cinema South International film Festival)
* An Israeli Englishman & a Camel –A journey across Israel’s Negev desert. National Geographic 2000
* The Valley of God – Climbing & Repelling Wadi Abu Hsheib in Sinai Egypt. National Geographic 2001
* Trekking the Rails – Historical Journey on Israel’s railways.
* National Geographic 2001
* Karakulak, The Hunt for the Hunter – a film on Caracals (desert cat) in the Israeli Arava. National Geographic 2001

Special Assignments

* The house of Bin Laden and the Taliban 2011 For Ynet, Yedioth Ahronot, Ch 1
*Revolution in Libya 2011 For Ynet, Yedioth Ahronot, Ch 2
* Revolution in Tahrir Egypt 2011 For Ynet, Yedioth Ahronot, Ch 1
* South Sudan referendum for ch 1 2011
* The Russian Bear and its neighbor – War in Georgia 8.2008 , Ynet
* Cyclone in Myanmar 2008 CBS, Yedioth Aharonot
* The Jews of Yemen, 2007 Ch 2 Israel, Masa Acher
* The last Jew, Afghanistan 2006 Ynet
* Timbuktu – a travel from Gibraltar to Mali through the western Sahara 2006 Masa Acher
* Tsunami and the Tamil Tigers , Sri Lanka 2005
* The land of Hezbollah, Lebanon 5/2003 for Ch. 10
* War In Iraq East Turkey, Iraq March- May 2003 Channel 10
* Maha Kumba-Mela, India 2001 For the Israeli Television & Y-NET
* Hunger in Southern Ethiopia 4/2000 For the Israeli Television
* Earth quake in Turkey 8/1999 Masa Acher, & the Israeli Television
* India – Pakistan round 5 in Kashmir & Ladakh 7/1999 , Masa Aher, & the Israeli Television
* Eritrea – the war with Ethiopia, 1999 , Masa Acher, Yediot Aharonot & the Israeli Television
* Kosovo – The massacre in Rachak, 1999, Masa Acher, Yediot Aharonot & the Israeli Television
* Afghanistan – The Earth Quake, 1998, Masa Acher, Yediot Aharonot & the Israeli Television
* Sinai – The Opium Region, 1997, Ha’aretz & the Israeli Television
* The Desert From Which Nobody Comes Out Alive – a journey to the remote regions of west China, 1996, Ha’aretz & Masa Aher
* South Sudan – the civil war between North & South, 1995, Ha’aretz & the Israeli Television
* Chechnya Zone of War, 1994, Ha’aretz
* A Journey to Venice – a journey from China through Mongolia and Siberia to Venice, 1993, Masa Acher
* A Mission to Somalia – the civil war, 1992, Yediot Aharonot
* The Silk Roads – a journey Istanbul to Beijing through Central Asia, 1991, Masa Acher & The Israeli Geographical Magazine.

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tsur@shezaf.net  |  טלפון: 054-4975548

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